Ammunition Supply Vehicle ASV
Ammunition Supply Vehicle ASV ✓ used by Armes Forces Gallery Armaments Unit
Ammunition Supply Vehicle ASV ✓ used by Armes Forces Gallery Armaments Unit
Artillery Ammunition Supply Vehicle AASV Armaments Unit
Artillery Armament Repair Vehicle AARV Gallery Armaments Unit
Workshop for Repair of Armament and Electronics WRAE ✓ used by Armed Forces Gallery Armaments Unit
Remote-Controlled 30 mm Turret System – RCTS 30 Gallery
Scattered Mine Laying Platform BAOBAB Scattered Mining Vehicle kr. BAOBAB-K is a research and development work carried out by a consortium of companies, which includes: Huta Stalowa Wola S.A. as a leader, Jelcz sp. z o. o., BZE BELMA S.A.,…
Scattered Mine Laying Vehicle KROTON – repairs ✓ used by Armed Forces
Universal Engineering Machine Backhoe-Loader UEM 9.50 ✓ used by Armed Forces Gallery
Loader-Dozer LD-34 C – repairs ✓ used by Armed Forces